Creamy Quince Jam

As told in the Quince Jam recipe, this is the creamy and soft version of the quince jam, as we use to make in Italy. It requires a rather long preparation because quinces need to be cooked for about an hour beforehand. It is important to cook quinces (cut into quarters) together with their skin and cores (they both contain natural pectin); in this way you don’t need to add lemon.


2.5 kg quince purée (made from about 3 kg of quinces as explained below)
1.5 kg sugar
1.5 liter cooking water

Preparation time: 1 hour 30 minutes
Cooking time: 2 hours

Makes about 16-18 medium jars

Wash the quinces to remove the superficial velvety down. Cut them into quartets leaving the core and skin on (they contain natural pectin). Toss them in a large saucepan and cover them with water (you’ll need several liters). Bring to the boil and cook them for about an hour or until quinces are soft and can be pierced with a fork. When they are ready, remove the saucepan from the heat and let them cool in their water.

When they are completely cool, remove the core and skin and mash the pulp with a stick blender in order to obtain a soft purée. Pour the quince purée in a large saucepan together with their cooking water (1.5 liters in this case or 600 ml for 1 kg of purée) and sugar (600 grams of sugar for 1 kg of puree, or even a little less according to taste). Cook for about 1 hour or until you have the right consistency, stirring now and then and skimming off scum if necessary. To know if the setting point is reached, try the wrinkle test: drop a little jam onto a cold (better if previously refrigerated) saucer, wait for the jam to cool, then tilt the saucer on its side. If the jam doesn’t slide off, but wrinkles on its surface, it is set. Otherwise, a little more cooking is necessary.

Now pour the jam into airtight jars. Cover with lid. To sterilize and vacuum-seal the jars, put them in a saucepan, cover them with cold water and bring to the boil. Let boil for about 20-30 minutes. Remove from the pan and let them cool upside-down, so that the lid is sterilized, too. When they get cool, you should hear the vacuum-sealing “click”. Jars are perfectly sterilized and can be stored in a cool and dry place.

Marmellata Cremosa di Mele Cotogne

Come già spiegato nella ricetta della Marmellata di Mele Cotogne, questa è la versione cremosa di questa marmellata, così come la si fa in Italia. Richiede una preparazione piuttosto lunga poiché le cotogne devono essere cotte prima per circa un’ora. È molto importante cuocere le cotogne  (tagliate in quarti) insieme alla buccia e al torsolo perché sono naturalmente ricchi di pectina; in questo modo non occorre usare il succo di limone come addensante.


2.5 kg di purea di mele cotogne (fatta, come spiegato sotto, da circa 3 kg di mele cotogne)
1.5 kg di zucchero
1.5 litri di acqua di cottura delle mele

Tempo di preparazione: 1 ora e mezzo
Tempo di cottura: 2 ore

Per circa 16-18 barattoli di media grandezza

Lavare accuratamente le cotogne in modo da rimuovere la peluria superficiale. Tagliarle in quarti lasciando il torsolo con i semi e la buccia (contengono pectina naturale). Mettere le cotogne in una pentola grande e ricoprirle di acqua (occorreranno diversi litri). Portare ad ebollizione e cuocere per circa un’ora o fino a quando le cotogne siano abbastanza morbide da essere bucate con una forchetta. Quando sono fatte, togliere la pentola dal fuoco e lasciar raffreddare le cotogne nella loro acqua.

Una volta raffreddate, eliminare il torsolo e la buccia e passare la polpa al setaccio o schiacciarla con il mixer in modo da ridurla a una purea. Metterla in una pentola grande insieme all’acqua di cottura (1.5 litri in questo caso o 600 ml per ogni chilo di purea) e allo zucchero (600 g per ogni chilo di purea o meno a seconda dei gusti). Cuocere per circa un’ora fino ad ottenere la giusta consistenza, mescolando di tanto in tanto e schiumando se necessario. Per sapere se si raggiunge il giusto punto di cottura, fare la prova del piattino: versare una goccia di marmellata in un piattino freddo (meglio di freezer), attendere che la marmellata si raffreddi e inclinare il piattino. Se la marmellata non scivola, è pronta. Altrimenti è necessaria ancora un po’ di cottura.

Adesso versare la marmellata nei barattoli da sottovuoto. Coprire con il coperchio. Per sterilizzare i barattoli, metterli in una pentola, coprirli con acqua fredda e far bollire per circa 20-30 minuti. Toglierli dalla pentola e lasciarli raffreddare a testa in giù così che anche il tappo si sterilizzi ben bene. Quando si raffreddano, dovrebbe sentirsi il caratteristico “click” del sottovuoto. I barattoli sono quindi sterilizzati e possono essere conservati in dispensa.

  1. I like this! I’ve never made jam before, and I can tell that I could make it with fruit I want. I bet it tastes so awesome and is very rewarding knowing you made it yourself. I’m going to have to give jam making a try.

    • Rita said:

      Exactly! You can use any fruit you like according to taste. You only need to know whether they contain natural pectin, otherwise you must add some lemon juice. The result is always excellent!! 🙂

  2. Cindy said:

    Such a beautiful, rich colour!

    • Rita said:

      Yes. I love its peach-rose colour. It’s so uncommon! 🙂

  3. You are the jam QUEEN! I wish I lived right around the corner from you so I can pick up my weekly jam. :-p I’ve never made homemade jam. I’m kind of nervous. Wait. I have frozen cherries. Could I make jam out of that? If so, how do I do it?

    • Rita said:

      Yes, we should definitely be neighbors!! How much fun we’d have together… 😛 (poor our hubbies…). Frozen fruit is not good for making jams. You should use fresh and ripe fruit (not too ripe, though). What fruit can you find over there? You can try with some seasonal fruit! 😉

      • Er. Do you have any suggestions on what I could use the frozen cherries for? LOL. Can you tell I’m desperate to use them? They’ve been loitering in my freezer since May. :p

      • Rita said:

        LOL. 😀 Well, as you can’t use them to make jam, you could make a purée and serve it with pannacotta or some other creamy soft dessert. As they’re frozen you’d probably better cook them for a while and add some sugar. I can think of something else if you like. Anyway, all I can suggest is use your imagination!! 😛

  4. Lovely! I wouldn’t mind some quince jam right now.

  5. Amanda said:

    Thanks for this lovely recipe, Rita. Quinces turn such a lovely colour and this looks far less fiddly than quince jelly!

    • Rita said:

      Yes, you’re absolutely right! It’s delicious and pretty easier to make than jellies!

  6. Sally said:

    Rita, how lovely these jars look. I wish I had a bumper crop of quinces, but did not get a single one this year. I will save this recipe for next year–hope you enjoy it and take a bite for me!

    • Rita said:

      I’m sorry your tree wasn’t fruitful last year!! Let’s hope for this one!! If we lived closer, I’d save a jar for you! 😉

  7. summersher said:

    Sounds delicious!! And such a great way to use up large amounts of fruit. I’ve never canned anything at home in mass (or even medium) quantities…
    Great job as always, Rita!

    • Rita said:

      Yes, when you have such an amount of fruit, the best thing to do is making jams!! I don’t what I could do with all these quinces otherwise… 😛

  8. I never heard of quince before, how does it taste like? This is really new to me.

    • Rita said:

      Well, quinces look something halfway between a pear and an apple but theire taste is different. They can’t be eaten raw but only cooked because their flesh is terribly hard and somewhat sour, but once they’re cooked they’re perfumed and sweet. It’s a bit hard to explain their taste, though! 😛

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