Crispy Chicken Drumsticks aux Trois Herbes

This recipe had been ready to be posted for a while now, but I had never found the right moment. Well, now that I ‘m at home with a broken leg and I’m not very able to cook (I cook actually, but not the way and not as much as I wish), the time has come to publish this post.

I perfectly know that chicken drumsticks are best eaten fried, but I also know that fried food isn’t that great for a healthy diet. Ok, even slippers taste good if fried, as we use to say here in Tuscany, but really sometimes you have to give up all fried things. So, how to make crispy and crunchy chicken drumsticks without frying them? The answer is: cook them in the oven. And so I did. I covered them with breadcrumbs as if to fry them, but I placed them in the oven instead. And to be sure they cooked evenly, I let them marinate for a coupleof hours in the fridge before covering them with a very aromatic three-herb-breading (parsley, cilantro and chive). The result was really good, and my friends much appreciated this dish (Mario appreciated it, too, as usual, but that’s no news…).


8 chicken drumsticks
8 tbsps extravergine olive oil
juice of 1 lemon
1/4 cup fresh chive, chopped
1/4 cup fresh parsley, chopped
1/4 cup fresh cilantro, chopped
3 garlic cloves, crushed
2 eggs, beaten
1/3 cup flour
1 1/2 or 2 cups breadcrumbs
salt and green pepper to taste

Preparation time: 20-30 minutes
Marinating time: 2 hours
Cooking time: 1 hour 15 minutes

Serves 4

Prepare a marinade with 6 tablespoons of oil, lemon juice, chive, parsley, cilantro, garlic, salt and pepper. Take the skin off chicken drumsticks and carve the flesh with a sharp knife so that the marinade can season the whole of them. Let the drumsticks marinate in the fridge for about 2 hours (meat should be quite white after soaking in lemon juice).

Scrape any excess marinade off the drumsticks and set aside. Combine the marinade with breadcrumbs to form smooth crumbs. Flour the drumsticks, then dip them in the beaten eggs, and finally in the herb crumble so that they are evenly covered.

Place them in a baking tin covered with baking paper and drizzle with the remaining oil. Cook covered with tin foil for about 1 hour in a preheated oven (190°C – 375°F), then remove the tin foil and cook for further 15 minutes till breadcrumbs are golden.

Cosce di Pollo Croccanti alle Tre Erbe

E’ da un pezzo che ho pronta questa ricetta, ma non ho mai trovato il momento giusto per pubblicarla. Beh, ora che sono a casa con una gamba rotta e non posso cucinare tanto (in realtà cucino ma non come e quanto vorrei), è giunto il momento di postarla.

So bene che il miglior modo per gustare le cosce di pollo è friggerle, ma non è che il fritto sia questa gran cosa per la salute. D’accordo, fritta è buona anche una ciabatta, come si dice in Toscana, ma a volte bisogna rinunciare ai fritti. Per cui, come fare delle cosce di pollo croccanti senza friggerle? La risposta é: cotte in forno. E così ho fatto. Le ho coperte con un’impanatura come se dovessi friggerle, ma le ho fatte in forno. E per essere sicura che si cuocessero uniformemente all’interno, le ho lasciate marinare un paio d’ore nel frigo prima di passarle nell’impanatura alle tre erbe (prezzemolo, coriandolo e erba cipollina). Il risultato è stato molto buono e i miei amici hanno molto apprezzato (anche Mario ha molto apprezzato, ma questa non è una novità…).


8 cosce di pollo
8 cucchiai di olio extravergine di oliva
succo di un limone
1/4 di tazza di erba cipollina fresca tritata
1/4 di tazza di prezzemolo fresco tritato
1/4 di tazza di coriandolo fresco tritato
3 spicchi d’aglio tritati
2 uova sbattute
1/3 di tazza di farina
1 1/2 o 2 tazze di pangrattato
sale e pepe verde q.b.

Tempo di preparazione: 20-30 minuti
Tempo per la marinatura: 2 ore
Tempo di cottura: 1 ora e un quarto

Per 4 persone

Preparare la marinata con 6 cucchiai di olio, il succo di limone, l’erba cipollina, il prezzemolo, il coriandolo, l’aglio, il sale e il pepe. Rimuovere la pelle dalle cosce e incidere la carne con un coltello in modo che la marinata insaporisca tutto. Lasciar marinare le cosce per un paio d’ore in frigo (la carne dovrebbe risultare biancastra dopo esser stata nel limone).

Togliere la marinata in eccesso dalle cosce e metterle da parte. Aggiungere alla marinata il pangrattato fino ad ottenere un’impanatura morbida. Infarinare le cosce, passarle nell’uovo sbattuto e ricoprirle uniformemente con l’impanatura alle tre erbe.

Mettere le cosce in una pirofila da forno ricoperta di carta forno e spruzzarle con l’olio rimanente. Cuocere coperte con un foglio di alluminio per circa un’ora nel forno preriscaldato (190°C), rimuovere l’alluminio e continuare la cottura per altri 15 minuti finché l’impaatura non risulta dorata.

  1. Questa ricetta è veramente buonissima! Dovete provare a farla perchè non ve ne pentirete!! A ripensarci mi viene ancora l’acquolina in bocca…. gnam gnam… 😛

    • Rita said:

      Mi toccherà replicare un’altra volta… alla prossima cena, via! 🙂

  2. Cindy said:

    Thanks for this, Rita, I never fry anything if I can help it.
    Sorry your leg is broken 😦

    • Rita said:

      Nor do I. I don’t like frying that much also because all the house smells like a fish&chips shop… 😉

  3. What a nice alternative to the unhealthy fried chicken. I love that you use fresh herbs in your crumb mix.
    🙂 Mandy

    • Rita said:

      Oh yes. I never fry if I can help it. Oven is a great device: you just put food inside and check it now and new. It’s easy and healthy! 😉

  4. Yum! Can you come over and make me about three dozen?! :p I love drumsticks…I swear I could eat them all day long.

    • Rita said:

      But I suppose you love them best if fried… 😉 Anyway, if I make you 3 dozen, will you come over with your panettone (on the table)? Ahahah 😀

      • Yes. And I won’t bring Oasis with me. :p Too much drama for your mama. LOL Oh boy…I need some coffee.

      • Rita said:

        Yes, you definitely need some liters of coffee… 😀 Will you bring Blur with you, instead? 😉

  5. summersher said:

    Looks good!
    Hope you had a nice holiday!

    • Rita said:

      Thanks! We had a nice Christmas and now we’re planning New Year’s Eve dinner… Hope you had a nice holiday, too! 😉

  6. It’s difficult to find a chicken recipe that can replace frying it because of the “crunchiness” factor, but this looks great! I’m going to have to try this recipe!

    • Rita said:

      Thank you Shelvasha! I really hope you have the chance to try it! 😉
      P.S. I’m feeling much better now. 🙂

  7. Hannah said:

    im sorry about your leg! do get better!

    and my my, those chicken drumsticks would be right up my alley if not for my throat…

    • Rita said:

      Thanks! I’m feeling much better now! 😉

  8. Shirley said:

    Hi Rita! I had to tell you that I made this last night and my husband didnt stop to say it was delicious and to thank you for sharing the recipe , I also made an attempt of the Orzotto but it didnt look like yours, I hadnt cooked bartley ever before so to be the first time it was good. Cheers!

    • Rita said:

      I’m so glad the chicken drumsticks were a success! Mario loves them as well. And I’m happy orzotto turned out good, too! Let me know if you have some doubts: I’m here to help!!! 🙂

  9. mary said:

    Your photographs are what lured me in when i was looking for a drumstick recipe and now…….I just put them in the oven, can’t wait to try them when their done!! :))

    • Rita said:

      Thank you! I hope you really like them! 🙂

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