Red Fruit Crumble

After a long-coveted vacation full of bathing and sun-bathing, we are ready to start again with a post I already published on Honest Cooking: a red fruit crumble. For those who know me this is no big surprise: I adore crumbles (both sweet and savory, as you can see here, here, here and here) and to me they are the perfect way to eat fruit pies.

Red fruit crumble

In Italy when you hear of fruit pies, people usually refer to fruit tarts, that is a kind of custard cream tart covered with a layer of sliced fruit and jelly. A simple crostata di frutta, as we say. Honestly, it is not a dessert I enjoy very much. Fruit pies were not desserts I appreciated very much until I discovered fruit crumbles. Ever since, my culinary life as a gourmand has radically changed.

Crumbles are a lovely way to make the most of fresh fruit. You can simply choose any kind of fruit that suits your fantasy and creativity, and change the filling ingredients according to seasons.

Late Spring and early Summer seem incredibly rich in red fruits: strawberries, cherries, raspberries, red currants. Cherries especially are available in the markets for such a short period of time that we need to make the best use of them and, besides making an always honorable jam, crumbles are the perfect way to taste them properly.

In this crumble you’ll find a poker of red fruits: strawberries, cherries, raspberries and dried cranberries, that add a slightly tart flavor to the filling. Of course, cranberries are not a seasonal item, hence the use of the dried version (which is, incidentally, the only way cranberries are accessible in Italy).

The crumble topping can be made in many ways too, but I usually love to add some rolled oats for a crunchier finish plus some pistachios for a lightly chromatic contrast between their green colour and the red of the fruit filling (not to mention that pistachios are absolutely delicious).

Bon appétit!

For the filling:
17.5 oz strawberries
7 oz cherries
4.5 oz raspberries
1.7 oz dried cranberries
Juice of 1 lemon
3 tbsp brown sugar

For the topping:
1 1/2 cup sifted flour
0.8 oz pistachios
1 cup rolled oats
1.7 oz ground almonds
1 cup brown sugar
1 tsp baking powder
7 oz butter, melted

Preparation time: 40 minutes
Cooking time: 30-35 minutes

Preheat oven to 190°C (375°F). Wash the cherries, halve and pit them. Wash the strawberries, remove stems and cut them roughly. Wash the raspberries.

Mix all the fruit in a bowl with the dried cranberries, sugar and lemon juice, and put aside.

In another bowl combine flour, oats, almonds, sugar and baking powder; mix well. Then make a well in the center and pour the butter in. Mix with your hands to form a crumble.

Place the red fruit filling into a round pie pan, and scatter the crumble mixture on top. Finally scatter the pistachios over the topping.

Bake for about 30-35 minutes or until top is crisp and golden and the filling is bubbling.

It can be served either hot or cold with whipped cream. According to taste, a tablespoon of honey or golden syrup can be added to cream.

Red fruit crumble 2

Crumble ai Frutti Rossi

Dopo una tanto agognata vacanza al mare, siamo pronti a ricominciare con un post che avevo già pubblicato su Honest Cooking: un crumble ai frutti rossi. Per chi mi conosce questa non è una gran novità: io adoro i crumble (sia dolci che salati, come si può vedere qui, qui, qui e qui), tanto che per me sono il miglior modo per mangiare le torte di frutta. 

In Italia, quando si parla di torte alla frutta, ci si riferisce in genere alle crostate di frutta, cioè crostate alla crema coperte da un strato di frutta tagliata a fette e da gelatina. Onestamente, le torte alla frutta non mi sono mai piaciute molto, almeno finché non ho scoperto i crumble: da allora la mia vita culinaria è cambiata.

I crumble sono un modo meraviglioso di usare la frutta. Basta scegliere il tipo che stuzzica la vostra fantasia, in base certo alla stagione, e il gioco è fatto. 

La tarda primavera e l’inizio dell’estate sono incredibilmente ricche di frutti rossi: fragole, ciliegie, lamponi, mirtilli rossi. Le ciliegie in special modo si trovano in commercio per così poco tempo che bisogna sfruttarle al meglio e, a parte fare la solita onorata marmellata, i crumble sono un’ottima soluzione. 

In questo crumble troverete un poker di frutti rossi: fragole, ciliegie, lamponi e cranberries (mirtilli rossi americani) essiccati, che aggiungono una nota leggermente asprigna. I cranberries non sono frutti di questa stagione, ecco il perché del loro uso in versione essiccata (che, tra parentesi, è l’unica disponibile in Italia a meno di non coltivarseli da soli). 

La copertura del crumble si può fare in molti modi, ma io in genere aggiungo l’avena per un tocco più croccante e, in questo caso, alcuni pistacchi che aggiungono una nota di colore verde in contrasto con il rosso del ripieno alla frutta. 

Bon appétit!

Per il ripieno:
500 grammi di fragole
200 grammi di ciliegie
125 grammi di lamponi
50 grammi di cranberries (mirtilli rossi americani) essiccati
Succo di 1 limone
3 cucchiai di zucchero

Per la copertura:
1 1/2 tazza di farina setacciata
25 grammi di pistacchi
1 tazza di avena
50 grammi di mandorle tritate
1 tazza di zucchero di canna
1 cucchiaino di lievito
200 grammi di burro, fuso

Tempo di preparazione: 40 minuti
Tempo di cottura: 30-35 minuti

Preriscaldare il forno a 190°C . Lavare le ciliegie, tagliarle a metà e rimuovere il nocciolo. Lavare le fragole, togliere il picciolo e tagliarle a pezzi. Lavare i lamponi.

Mescolare la frutta in una ciotola con i cranberries, lo zucchero e il limone e mettere da parte. 

In un’altra ciotola, mescolare la farina, lo zucchero, le mandorle, l’avena e il lievito. Fare un buco al centro e versarvi il burro fuso. Mescolare con le mani fino ad ottenere una specie di impanatura.

Versare il ripieno di frutta direttamente nella tortiera e coprire con l’impanatura del crumble. Infine cospargere con i pistacchi.

Infornare per 30 minuti o fino a quando il ripieno fa le bolle e la copertura diventa dorata e croccante.

Il crumble si può mangiare caldo o freddo. A scelta, accompagnare con panna montata a cui si può aggiungere un cucchiaio di miele o di golden syrup.

  1. Cindy said:

    Absolutely stunning, Rita!

  2. Tandy said:

    I had enough time today to read the Italian after the English version and I see some English words don’t have an Italian equivalent. Thank you for sharing this recipe, I look forward to summer when berries are back in season 🙂

    • Rita said:

      Well, the Italian version is not exactly a translation, that’s why words don’t match perfectly. If you have any doubts on the Italian language, feel free to ask so you’ll be ready when you come to Italy! 😛

  3. Sally said:

    I love the cranberries and raspberries in this–makes my mouth pucker just reading the recipe. I am glad (and jealous of) your long vacation–you deserve it! I look back and treasure the days when my son was little and we spent time at the beach (but you can’t turn back the clock–so now you know why I’m a little jealous!) Enjoy the summer, Rita!

    • Rita said:

      Well, the vacation was pretty short (just a week) but it was REALLY relaxing. I desperately needed it! 😉

  4. What a lovely dessert! can I have a slice please 🙂

  5. lifeinarecipe said:

    I’m with you…I love fruit crumbles, especially with oats in the topping…they are not just good as dessert, I love to eat them for breakfast too. As a lover of pistachios also, I love the idea of adding them to the topping…they will not be forgotten the next time I make a crumble!

  6. Mmm, yes fruit crumbles are delicious! With all the plums around here I definitely need to make one soon!

  7. Welcome back! Your crumble topping sounds dleicious I love the ground almonds and pistachios. Will definitely try that on my next crumble!

  8. Crisps and crumbles are my absolute favorite too, especially in summer. They’re the best.

  9. Crumbles are always a favourite around these parts. And a cherry one? Oh la la! Try and stop me from having the last piece! I’m really missing summer fruits this winter thanks to awesome food blogs who keep reminding me. Soon, soon…

  10. Amanda said:

    Another lovely recipe, Rita, and one that is making me long for summer to come around here in Australia. I love the addition of pistachio’s and almonds – perhaps they will help me to pretend this is a health food. 😉

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